Krakow - მიმდინარე და უახლოესი გამოფენები და ფორუმები ამ ქალაქში
 ავტოთარგმანის ბეტა ვერსია. თარგმნის ხარისხი შეიძლება არ იყოს კარგი |
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Targi w Krakowie Exhibition Centre
Tuning Show-Cracow will showcase the unique cars, manufacturers and distributors of car tuning equipment, tuning garage owners and masses of car tuning enthusiasts. This is the one of the biggest Car Tuning show in Poland. This is the 8th edition of the event.
განათავსა - newsadmin | 10 მაისი 2011, 21:34 | ვრცლად... |
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Krakow Hala TwK
Being held in Poland, FOOD-TO-GO is the most famous event for the small catering companies. It is managed by the leading organizer EasyFairs. FOOD-TO-GO has gathered a lot of success to its back in the past years, and this year the professionals associated with it looking forward to greater heights of success. This will be the third editi
განათავსა - newsadmin | 10 მაისი 2011, 21:34 | ვრცლად... |
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Targi w Krakowie Exhibition Centre
SPA & Wellness-Poland fair is the one of the largest exhibition for Spa & Wellness Equipment, Services and Facilities industry. The trade fair is designed for investors, directors, hotel managers, SPA centres, beauty farms, health clinics, sanatoriums, health resorts, therapists, architects & designers, schools & training
განათავსა - newsadmin | 10 მაისი 2011, 21:34 | ვრცლად... |
| | მუსიკალური ინსტრუმენტები |
Targi w Krakowie Exhibition Centre
Music Media is the biggest event in the Polish music industry. It is the only place where producers, dealers, artists, media and other people concerned can meet in this friendly atmosphere. Participation in Music Media is a unique opportunity to establish important contacts and share practices.
განათავსა - newsadmin | 10 მაისი 2011, 21:34 | ვრცლად... |
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Targi w Krakowie Exhibition Centre
The largest annual Polish event in the machine tools and tools industry in Southern Poland. The EUROTOOL Machine Tools & Material Processing Equipment Fair has for years stimulated the introduction of new technologies to the Polish industry. It is a comprehensive and unique review of what the market has to offer for the mechanical tre
განათავსა - newsadmin | 10 მაისი 2011, 21:34 | ვრცლად... |
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Targi w Krakowie Exhibition Centre
BLACH-TECH-EXPO is the only trade fair in Poland dedicated to the sheet metal working industry. They are dedicated for companies, wishing to invest in their future and searching for innovating solutions for optimizing the production processes. The trade fairs are organized in the region of Poland with the largest number of sheet metal pro
განათავსა - newsadmin | 10 მაისი 2011, 21:34 | ვრცლად... |
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Targi w Krakowie Exhibition Centre
15th Book Fair - Krakow is an important event in Poland. It has always featured many cultural events, including meetings with writers and representatives of the world of culture, science, art & media. This is the 14th edition of the event.
განათავსა - newsadmin | 10 მაისი 2011, 21:34 | ვრცლად... |
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Targi w Krakowie Exhibition Centre
Horeca-Poland International Trade Fair of Hotel and Catering Equipment is a web of events designed for members of the hotel and catering business. It is now the largest and most prestigious autumn event of its kind in Poland. This is the 19th edition of the event.
განათავსა - newsadmin | 10 მაისი 2011, 21:34 | ვრცლად... |
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Targi w Krakowie Exhibition Centre
Gastrofood is the specialized trade fair of Food and drinks for Catering. The event will accompany the 19th Trade Fair of Hotel and Catering Equipment HORECA which is now the largest and most prestigious autumn event of its kind in Poland. Gastrofood hosted more than 50 domestic and international exhibitors.
განათავსა - newsadmin | 10 მაისი 2011, 21:35 | ვრცლად... |